Daisy's End-to-End Planning Platform Supports Retail Decision-Making

With thousands of weekly decisions required across an entire store, merchandise planning is, without a doubt, an incredibly difficult job – and it is increasingly complicated by growing competition, supply chain challenges, and inflation, among other factors.
Daisy supports the merchant function by guiding retail organizations to make impactful merchandise planning decisions – ones that drive larger baskets, produce higher consumer interest, and drive more transactions. In doing so, Daisy’s system eliminates silos and provides an end-to-end planning process that simplifies job roles and delivers significant financial results.
This blog post will provide a high-level overview of Daisy’s end-to-end planning software and explore how the capabilities support the retail workflow and provide considerable value.
End-to-End Planning
Daisy’s system guides users to make decisions that will deliver the most impactful results by bringing fact-based decision-making with automation to merchandise planning.
All of Daisy’s recommendations are offered via a dynamic online portal - providing users with plans they can accept, edit, or change. Importantly, all recommendations are highly explainable to build trust in the system capabilities – for example, Daisy can explain why a particular item or price point was chosen for a promotion.
With all planning capabilities offered within the portal, technology system silos are entirely eliminated. The capabilities offered within the portal fully support the merchant function – which ultimately simplifies job roles and allows retailers to take on higher complexity work.
Portal Capabilities
The Daisy portal supports the promotional item selection process by recommending the right mix of items to promote and not promote at the right time and in the right channels. Within the portal, Daisy provides a list of products recommended for promotion that are sorted by their relative strength and level of impact. Users can choose to accept, deny, replace, or change any recommendation - with the goal to maximize the selection of strong recommendations to achieve the greatest returns possible.
Daisy also supports pricing by incorporating the Halo Effect to determine the right combination of regular and promotional prices - supporting retailers in achieving financial targets. Daisy presents the optimal price for each selected price family and the associated SKUs using a price ladder feature within the online portal. Once again, the recommended prices are organized by their level of strength. Prices can also be edited using the price ladder capability and instant feedback is provided on margin and sales forecast quantities.
For demand forecasting and ordering, Daisy’s solution improves forecasting accuracy for all products and improves ordering and product allocation to drive operational efficiency and reduce markdowns and stockouts. The sales forecast is provided at the summary, product (SKU), and store/product levels and retailers can review the sales forecast for the product and price combinations they have chosen in the previous portal modules. This enables users to order products at the right quantity and with far greater accuracy.
Additional Solutions for Merchandise Planning
Daisy offers an additional solution for assortment planning that optimizes the range of products to meet customer needs and rationalizes assortments for new store formats and changing supplier product catalogues. The system delivers plans that reflect changes in product availability and consumer behavior and drives the right mix of large, medium, and small transactions to meet the organizations’ desired objectives.
Finally, Daisy assists retailers in determining the most impactful store layout by optimizing store promotional, feature, and regular layouts and delivering store level macro and micro space plans. The system delivers store layouts and product placements that drive the highest customer traffic and large transactions that contain the right mix of items. This solution also helps retailers in providing a better store experience for their customers - ensuring they are consistently finding products that meet their needs.
Daisy’s suite of solutions and portal capabilities offer a simplified merchandise planning experience. With all processes consolidated and offered within the portal, retailers can easily leverage impactful recommendations that provide significant financial returns.
The Daisy system eliminates silos, enables retailers to take on higher value work, and builds trust in all aspects of the workflow with highly explainable recommendations.
Ultimately, Daisy supports a difficult job in a rapidly changing industry – ensuring organizations are able to keep pace and deliver on their mission.
To get a granular inside view into the Daisy portal, download our latest whitepaper.